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Accepted Application for JR HELPER in FairyPixel
Topic Locked
Mahirispro Member
1 posts
1 topics
4 months ago
  1. Name: Mahir
  2. Age: 16
  3. Country and Time Zone: GMT +6
  4. In-Game Name (IGN): Mahirispro
  5. Discord ID: itz_storm7
  6. Do you have a PC? : Yes, I do have a pc
  7. Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos? : Yes, I am capable of recording Minecraft videos
  8. How long have you been playing Minecraft? : I have been playing minecraft since 2016 
  9. How long have you been active on Fairypixel? : I have been active on FairyPixel for 3 weeks now
  10. Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify: No I am not currently involved but I was in a server called FreePixel last year
  11. Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak? : Yes, I am multilingual and I can speak English,Bengali and Hindi fluently
  12. Where are you most active on the Fairypixel Network Discord? : I am the most active on the general chat of FairyPixel Discord
    How much time can you dedicate to the role each week? : I can give like 14 - 18 hours of time on my role every week
  13. Have you ever been disciplined on any server? If so, please provide details: Yeah , I have always been disciplined in all servers I have joined and I will also keep my discipline in this server
  14. Describe a mistake you made in the last year (not related to Fairypixel). How did you handle it? What did you learn? : Last year, 10 minutes before my exam I was checking my assignments and saw that my English assignment was all blank then I wrote the whole assignment in 7 mins and went to the exam timely and I learnt that I should always be prepared for the future
  15. Do you have prior experience in server moderation or leadership roles? If so, please share your previous projects and roles, the skills you gained, and how they will assist you in this position: I will be a good staff member for this server because I have great experience at being a staff member . I have been staff member on many servers like Freepixel, Icepixel, @ Network etc
  16. Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fairypixel Network? : I am applying for JR HELPER role in this server because I think this server has great potential to grow and I think I will be able to handle the server perfectly
  17. Tell us a bit about yourself, including your hobbies and interests: My hobbies are Gaming, Visitting new places, Playing etc and my biggest interest is English and Games
  18. Is there anything else you would like us to know? : I would like  let you all know that I will be a perfect Junior Helper for FairyPixel and I will manage this server Perfectly!

    Thank You 
    - Mahirispro

Last edited: 4 months ago
Soul xD Owner
10 posts
7 topics
4 months ago