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Moderation And information Changes
In this forum, you can find information about how to apply for the Staff Team, learn more about staff and moderation related updates, and provide feedback on certain changes.
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News And Announcements
Important announcements regarding the network are posted in this forum. If you click the "Watch" button in this forum you can be alerted whenever a new announcement is posted!
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Posts: 2
Report Rule Breakers
Click here to learn how to report players that are breaking the rules on the Fairypixel server, forums, and Discord. Please note that we cannot accept player evidence or direct reports.
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Posts: 2

Punishment Appeal
Here you can submit an appeal for a server ban or mute, or for a forum warning. Please read the pinned thread for more information.
Topics: 1
Posts: 1
Appleal Application
Soul xD9 months ago

Server Bug Report
Found a bug? Submit a bug report for any glitches or issues that you come across while enjoying the Fairypixel network.
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Fairypixel Server Discussion
Here you can discuss any general topics relating to the Fairypixel Network! You can also find some useful information in the pinned threads, which we encourage you to read through.
Topics: 1
Posts: 1
Soul xD6 months ago

Ideas And Feedbacks
This forum is the perfect place to post all of your ideas, suggestions, and feedback about Fairypixel games or various aspects of the network. Please be sure to use the relevant thread prefix when creating a thread.
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Posts: 1

Introduce YourSelf
Hi, nice to meet you and welcome to the forums! Whether you're a veteran or a new player, this section of the forums is a great place to introduce yourself and meet other players!
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Posts: 2
My Introduction
PokeLegend9 months ago
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