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Applying For Beta Tester
gamer_off Member
1 posts
1 topics
3 months ago

1. Your Name
    Vedant Mishra
2. Your Age
    17 years old Born on 4/2/2007
3. Your Country & time zone
    India GMT(+5:30)
4. Your IGN
5. Your Discord 
    Mishra_ji#5067 or try vedant____
6. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?
    Yes, I can record videos on Minecraft as I was having a Youtube channel in back old days
7. What's the main goal of you applying?
    Because I wanna help the Fairypixel community to grow and earn fame like other servers,
    as you have seen in Fakepixel(A copy of Hypixel) there are like 1000 players playing each day,
    I want to see this server growing like that or better than that.
8. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.
    So, nah I never got punished or banned in any server, Because I play in limits of that server and
    I support the community guidelines.
9. Anything Else we should know? 
    I am playing Minecraft from the last 8years, I can help you guys for testing new mods and maps,
     I can help with decision making for server, I can build and destroy anything.

    That's all from my side hope I will get place in your community and Have a Good Day.
                       Vedant Mishra 

Last edited: 3 months ago
