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Information Tester Recruitment Application
Lunching Co-Owner Member
19 posts
2 topics
5 months ago

Hey! In this section you can apply for the Beta Tester rank in-game.

Before applying make sure you're meeting these requirements:

  • you're 14 years old or older

Create a new post and fill the form below:

  1. Your name
  2. Your age
  3. Your country & timezone
  4. Your IGN
  5. Your Discord
  6. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?
  7. What's the main goal of your applying?
  8. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.
  9. Anything else we should know?

What happens after I post an application? How long does it take to get a response? 

After your application has been posted it is looked at by a member of the Applications Team. Successful applications will receive the message from the High Staff.

If I got declined, can I try again?
Sure! You can reapply every 4 weeks (1 month) after you got declined. Please avoid creating posts here if you were recently declined and 1 month still hasn't passed.

dontgiveanamewwwww Member
1 posts
0 topics
4 months ago

** Beta Tester Application**


1. Raunak Shrestha

2. 16

3. Nepal

4. genkai

5. finx__01

6. Yes

7. To create engaging Minecraft content and contribute positively to the community.

8. Yes, I have been banned or punished on any server.I was banned for 90 days

9. I have been playing Minecraft for over 5 years and have experience in various aspects of the game, including building, redstone engineering, and PvP. I'm excited about the opportunity to showcase my skills and creativity through video content.

