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Accepted Tester application
Himay007 Co-Owner Developer Member
1 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

BT application 


- Your name: Himay

- Your age: 17

- Your country & timezone: India and ist (Indian standard time) or GMT 5:30

- Your IGN: Himay007

- Your Discord: Himay_007

- Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?: yes, I have ability to record Minecraft videos.

- What's the main goal of your applying?: to improve server related to bugs and new updates and its releasing newly.

- Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details: no, I never been punished on any server ever. Because I am good person:>

- Anything else we should know?: yea, I am a normal boy/man who loves to play minecraft, cricket etc. and I love to help other people in their life. I also will help you guys in the server. That's why I am applying.


Thank you.

- Himay007.

Last edited: 5 months ago x 1