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Declined Trial staff application for Ingame
Topic Locked
ItsVs__ Member
1 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

IGN: ItsVs__


Your discord:oxsu_




Country of Residence:yes


Time Zone:india standard time 


Recording Ability:yes



Do you have a pc ? No 


For how long have you been playing Minecraft ? 3 or 4 years 


Are you multilingual ? Hindi and English


Tell us about one of the your best moments on the Fairypixel server. I didn't join server yet


Why have you decided to apply for the Trial Helper position on fairypixel server ? I love server 


Anything else we should know ? nothing else

Last edited: 5 months ago
Lunching Co-Owner Member
19 posts
2 topics
5 months ago

Good Luck !