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Declined Beta tester apply
Izumi_san Member
3 posts
3 topics
4 months ago

1=Your name: sudarshan mahato

2=Your age: 16

3=Your country & timezone: Nepal(GMT+5:45)

4=Your IGN: Izumi_san

5=Your Discord: izumi_san45

6=Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?

Yes i have.

7=What's the main goal of your applying?

My main goal for applying in beta tester is to uncover as many bugs or usability issues as possible in the fairy pixel server and make a peaceful environment for fairypixel player without any bugs and glitches also helping to check newly updates.

8=Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.

Yes,i have been punished in oggy empire reason is closing the ticket without any reason i got 2 days of timeout for that mistake 

9==Anything else we should know?

Yes,i have found 5 or many  bug and glitches in so many server while i am playing one it so i guess i have some experience.

Please look forward to take my interview for bt(beta tester).

Last edited: 3 months ago