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Declined Jr helper application
Izumi_san Member
3 posts
3 topics
4 months ago

1=Name: Sudarshan




3=Country and Time Zone:Nepal (GMT +5:45)


4=In-Game Name (IGN):Izumi_san


5=Discord ID:izumi_san45


6=Do you have a PC?No,i am in mobile but it is high end device 


7=Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos?


Yes, i am capable to record Minecraft's video but need some confidence 


8=How long have you been playing Minecraft?


I am playing Minecraft from 2020


9=How long have you been active on Fairypixel?


Ummmm, like it had been almost 3 week 


10=Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify:


Ummmm, honestly i am not involved in any Minecraft projects.


11=Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak?


Yes, I am multilingual i can speak 3 languages English,Hindi,Nepali


12=Where are you most active on the Fairypixel Network Discord?


Mostly i active in general chat 


13=How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?


43 hours each week


14=Have you ever been disciplined on any server? If so, please provide details:


Yes,i have been disciplined in 4-5 server where 3 players try to break rule and abuse 1 person i gave them a warning first they don't agree with warning so i gave them ban!


15=Describe a mistake you made in the last year (not related to Fairypixel). How did you handle it? What did you learn?


Ummmm... I had done so many mistake but one of my biggest mistake was when i was giving my 8th class final exam like it was maths exam first 1 hour i had did only 10/24 question when 2 hours pass out and only 30 min left i do my exam so fast also got some mistake but i try to not panic and handle all thing i don't know how i pass exam from this mistake i had learn that do your work in time


16=Do you have prior experience in server moderation or leadership roles? If so, please share your previous projects and roles, the skills you gained, and how they will assist you in this position:


Yes, i have prior experience in some server moderation my previous role was a moderator where i have to manage server manage tickets also that server had a big Minecraft smp name called my oggy empire i also have to watch ingame what is going on in server and also i have to inform some server bugs and glitches and from these server i had learn many skill that are helping in my irl and in these server moderation all staff assist me like i am one of them in every position of that server all same respect and love. These was my best server where i had work for 1 years 


17=Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fairypixel Network?


Because i have to learn skill and experience more and more which can help me in irl life also i wanna be one of the staff who helped alot in fairypixel project and helped to grew up more and more .....


18=Tell us a bit about yourself, including your hobbies and interests:


Hi my name is sudarshan mahato ingame everyone called me izumi_san i am belong from nepal i am at 9th standard i like to explore new things mostly i am interested to develop new thing...


19=Is there anything else you would like us to know?


Yes, i will be online 6 hours per day..

Last edited: 3 months ago
Lunching Co-Owner Member
19 posts
2 topics
3 months ago

Good luck