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Declined Beta Tester application
Dead_men Member
3 posts
3 topics
3 months ago
  1. Your name - Himanshu Singh
  2. Your age - 16
  3. Your country & timezone - Indian Standard Time (IST)
  4. Your IGN - Dead_men
  5. Your Discord - sunzusaid
  6. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video? - Yes, I can make minecarft videos to report the bugs!!
  7. What's the main goal of your applying? - To find bugs and glitches in server, i have find many bugs in many servers but as a staff not as beta tester. 
  8. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. - Not in minecarft server. 
  9. Anything else we should know? Here are some of my past experiences- 
  10. Minecraft Mcfa Community ( 5k+ members) - I was Sr. payouter there i learned how to manage a large no. of tickets together and how to lead a group for example i was leader of payouters i used to give them the command
    in that server.
    Infinity Paradise (1k+ members - i was owner there
    Krying (1k+ members) - i was Gamemaster here.
  11. Fairypixel - Jr. helper 
  12. i have been playing  minecarft since 2.5yr+ ig
  13. i have played hypixel , hypixel remake servers and knows where bugs can be found!!!!
  14. That's it!!

Last edited: 3 months ago