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Aryan_BhaiOP Member
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6 months ago
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6 months ago
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Minecraft: Aryan_BhaiOP
Discord: aryan_bhaiop
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BT APPLICATION 6 months ago
  1. Your name : Aryan
  2. Your age : 15
  3. Your country & timezone : India & GMT+5:30
  4. Your IGN : Aryan_BhaiOP
  5. Your Discord : aryan_bhaiop
  6. For how long have you been playing on Fairypixel? :- UMM.. I am New here.
  7. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video? :- Yes, I do
  8. Please include minimum 2 links of your reported bugs on Fairypixel ForumĀ (ex. link | level (low-meduim-high)) : IM new so no bugs right now but I can find bugs I have found 15+ verified bugs in fakepixel
  9. Are you multilingual? :- Yes, I can speak English and Hindi
  10. Where are you most active on the Fairypixel Network? :- When it will release Then skyblock
  11. What's the main goal of your applying? To support this server as I Like to support people and help themĀ 
  12. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. : NO
  13. Anything else we should know? I like to play Basketball and Cricket mostly and I like to help people
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