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Farmaan Member
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5 months ago
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4 months ago
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Minecraft: Farmaan
Discord: farmaan1234
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Helper 4 months ago

I am very grateful to be a part of fairypixel staff as you all know guys that I really like fairypixel 

And I really to work in different areas of this server like in discord as well as in game

I am a discord staff in fairypixel and it's Soo grateful but I also wanna be a helper for game to help the people in game 


Beta tester 4 months ago

Idk what to write

But I just want to see 

How fairypixel actually looks like in beta testing and as you all know how much I love this project I joined at 4th place in discord and I am waiting for long so I just wanna see I can't wait hehe


I wish to become staff because I think that I have matured. I have been playing Minecraft for a really long time, I really like to play Skyblock servers like hypixel Skyblock and I like to explore new things. I always see many complaints in chat in fakepixel discord or other servers and many people arguing. Some people curse and swear, some argue causing spam. Those are the main reasons that I wish to become staff so I can eridicate these all things from our fairypixel .My secondary reasons for becoming Staff are because I wish to prove to myself that I can be responsible by enforcing the rules. I would like to prove to myself that I can follow the rules and not do anything stupid Anymore. I would like to see a peaceful chat and friendly for people who are younger. I feel like now that I turned 15, I can be responsible enough to work as a staff member and punish the people accordingly to what they have done.Thankyou...

Discord staff 5 months ago

Ign:- Itz_flashup

Active:- 16h /24 (minimum)

Yah I'll try to help every possible player in every situation 

Yah I ll do justice


I wanna join as a staff give me a try Thankyou fairypixel 

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