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ItzNesbro Member
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5 months ago
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5 months ago
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Discord: itznesbro
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Staff application 5 months ago

What is your Discord Tag & ID?

 ItzNesbro#2066(itznesbro) | 711145429110358048

What is your Age?


What is your Timezone?

 Time zone in Kochi, Kerala (GMT+5:30)

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 9:20 pm

What is Your IGN?


How Active are You?

 i will be active afternoon or evening or night every day

What are your Strengths & Weaknesses?

 I know how to manage peoples and for my weakness (i dont know)

What Experience do you have Moderating a Server? 

 i have been a server owner for 3 years

Why do You want to be Staff? 

 by becoming a staff i can help the server members if they need any help

Why should you be Chosen?

Because i have experience 

 Have you Applied before?


Tell us something about yourself. What are your hobbies, if you have any? What do you do in your free time?

 mostly i watch cinema in my free time but im also a developer so i code sometime and also im a video editor in instagram so i will edit sometime too

Any Additional Information?


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