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Lucifer123 Member
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4 months ago
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3 months ago
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Discord: .lucifer123.
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1. ur name. Samim sk

2. Your age. 17

3. Your country & timezone India GMT 5:30

4. Your IGN. Lucifer123

5. Your Discord. .lucifer123.

6. Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video? Yes I can make videos in high quality 

7. What's the main goal of your applying? I wanna help to make this server a best cracked server 

8. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. No I was never banned or punished

9. Anything else we should know? Yes, I had a alot of experience of being staff / bt in hypixel like servers 

Example - I am bt in ultrapixel . but this project is closed 

But I'll helped alot 

1. My name is samim sk

2. My age is 15

3. India (gmt+5:30)

4. My ign Lucifer123

5. My discord is.Lucifer123.

6. Yes I have

7. I just wanna be a part of fairypixel and wanna help them to make a perfect server 

8. No I don't get any ban

9. Yes I just wanna know when skyblock will release 

I am excited to play it

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