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New_to_mc Member
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5 months ago
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5 months ago
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Minecraft: New_to_mc
Discord: death_king.god
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IGN: New_to_mc


Country of Residence: India

Time Zone: GMT +5:30

Recording Ability: Yes, I can record videos.
Microphone: I have a working microphone.

Do you have a pc ?: Yes.

For how long have you been playing Minecraft ?: This is the 7th year. 

Are you 
multilingual ? Yes.

Tell us about one of the your best moments on the Fairypixel server.: As the server isn't released yet so there are none.

Why have you decided to apply for the Trail Helper position on fairypixel server ?: I have lots skills, I have good amount of experience in moderation,etc.. are the reasons.

Anything else we should know ?: I can make plugins for your server.

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