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Sifan271 Jr. Helper Member
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9 months ago
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4 months ago
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Minecraft: Sifan271
Discord: ._.sifan
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Staff Application 5 months ago

IGN: Sifan271

Your discord: ._.sifan


Country of Residence: Bangladesh

Time Zone: Bangladesh Time

Recording Ability: Yea i can record

Do you have a pc ? : Yea i have

For how long have you been playing Minecraft ? : 3-4 Years

Are you 
multilingual ? : Not Too much Best But im A good multilingual

Tell us about one of the your best moments on the Fairypixel server : The New FairyPixel Not Relese yet but IN old My Best Moment Is Fun With Old Staffs And play Together . 

Why have you decided to apply for the T
rial Helper position on fairypixel server ? : I've decided to apply for the Trial Helper position because I love being a part of the Fairypixel community and want to contribute to making it an even better place for all players. I enjoy helping others and believe I have the skills and dedication necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of this role.

Anything else we should know ? : I'm passionate about creating a positive and inclusive gaming environment, and I'm excited about the opportunity to support the Fairypixel server in any way I can. I'm reliable, friendly, and always eager to learn and improve. And also im old staff in there .



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