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Sonic Member
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4 months ago
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Discord: ray.os
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Staff Application 4 months ago

it will be great if i get my old role [Main Admin]

Staff Application 4 months ago
  1. Name:Pratyush
  2. Age:17
  3. Country and Time Zone: India&GMT+5:30
  4. In-Game Name (IGN):Sonic
  5. Discord ID:ray.os
  6. Do you have a PC?yes
  7. Are you capable of recording Minecraft videos?yes
  8. How long have you been playing Minecraft?6 years
  9. How long have you been active on Fairypixel?when it launched for the first time that time it's snowpixel maybe in november 2023
  10. Are you currently involved in any Minecraft projects? If yes, please specify:I was involved in many bot no longer in
  11. Are you multilingual? If yes, which languages do you speak?I can speak English and Hindi
  12. Where are you most active on the Fairypixel Network Discord? game has been not launched yet i guess for now I'm in discord
  13. How much time can you dedicate to the role each week? maybe I can give 6hours in a day maybe around 42 hours in a week.
  14. Have you ever been disciplined on any server? If so, please provide details: Maybe But i dont know when I've done anything. But I've never got punishment in any server
  15. Describe a mistake you made in the last year (not related to Fairypixel). How did you handle it? What did you learn?last time I've broked my pc.I learned never angry on your own thing.
  16. Do you have prior experience in server moderation or leadership roles? If so, please share your previous projects and roles, the skills you gained, and how they will assist you in this position:I was admin fairypixel,owner in storm city owner in flyinglands and many more.I've gained much modration leadership experience it will help in modration and in future if i get promoted and get chance to lead server then it will also  help to lead server professionally
  17. Why are you applying for the Junior Helper role on the Fairypixel Network?Just to back on fairypixel And modrate server and guide people
  18. Tell us a bit about yourself, including your hobbies and interests:I'm going collage 9am to 11am
  19. Is there anything else you would like us to know? I guess you guy's will not happy if I came back
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