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Information How To Report A Bug
Topic Locked
Soul xD Owner
10 posts
7 topics
9 months ago

In this section you can report a bug you found on our server.

Reporting is simple as joining the server.
Create a new post and fill the form below:

  1. Your IGN
  2. Description of the bug
  3. How to repeat this bug? Describe every action we need to do.
  4. Screenshot/video of the bug

What happens after I post a bug? How long does it take to get a response? 
After your report has been posted it is looked at by a member of the Development Team.

If this bug got declined, can I report it again?

Remember that if you submit 7+ bugs on this Forum and they get accepted you'll get an ability to get Beta Tester rank! There's more information how to do that:

Last edited: 8 months ago