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Topic Locked
SpiritXD_ Member
3 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

Hey! In this section you can apply for the Discord Staff position on our Discord Server.


Before applying make sure you're meeting these requirements:




you're 14 years old or older;


your native language is English or your English level is higher than Intermediate (B1);


you haven't got any punishments (in-game/Discord) in the last 2 months;


you're not blacklisted;


you're active in Fairypixel Community.


Applying is simple as joining the server.


Create a new post and fill the form below:






What is your Discord Tag & ID?




What is your Age?




What is your Timezone?




What is Your IGN?




How Active are You?




What are your Strengths & Weaknesses?




What Experience do you have Moderating a Server? 




Why do You want to be Staff? 




Why should you be Chosen?




Have you Applied before?




Tell us something about yourself. What are your hobbies, if you have any? What do you do in your free time?




Any Additional Information?




What happens after I post an application? How long does it take to get a response? 


After your application has been posted it is looked at by a member of the Applications Team. Successful applications will receive the message from the Owner and Co-Owners.




If I got declined, can I try again?


Sure! You can reapply every 2 weeks (14 Days) after you got declined. Please avoid creating posts here if you were recently declined and 14 Days still hasn't passed.




Wish me good luck??


Good luck, mai boi! I hope you'll get accepted.

SpiritXD_ Member
3 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

Apply fast!